5 Quick Tools for Listening in on Social Media
I had the pleasure of speaking on a panel last weekend for the Hoosier Chapter of the PRSA’s Social Media Bootcamp. There was quite a bit of talk around tracking your brand through conversations online. How do you you track your brand online? How do you keep up with the mass of people joinging into the conversation? And the most important thing of all… how do you do it cost effectively and easily.
There is a specific company (Radian6) that we talked about on the panel because of their UNBELIEVABLY cool tools for tracking and monitoring brands online. There is of course a cost involved for the Radian6 product. If you have any questions be sure to contact Amber Naslund on Twitter (@ambercadabra). But knowing Radian6… she has already posted a comment on this blog…
and I haven’t even published it yet.
If you are looking for some quick and dirty ways to start following and monitoring your (company or personal) brand online… here are 5 quick tips to get started.
1. Google Alerts
Google Alerts allows you to track your name or any keyword through an email notification. Any time your search term is discovered online you will receive an email from Google.. ALERTING you of the new link. Google Alerts can be a little slow in the long run but if you are budget sensitive this is a great place to start.
Watch the video below from Mindy at YourWebCoaches and learn how to setup an alert.
2. Social Mention
Social Mention is quick and easy way to search for the conveted keyword throughout the web. Simple user interface (much like google). If you want a quick way to search for brand names and conversation surrounding certain names… Social Mention is a good way to go.
3. Spy
Here we have a new guy in the race for total brand monitoring domination. I was tipped on Spy from KDPaine’s post about monitoring your brand online. It is a pretty simple tool to use and is contained to more of the conversation’s happening online.. instead of direct links. The easy to use interface keeps it simple… and we love simple.
4. Use Twitter Search
If you are using Twitter… which many of us are now… you know how hard it is to follow all the conversations. It is important to utilize this tool to follow conversations on this growing social network. If you are using TweetDeck it is extremely to follow the conversation surrounding your name. I like to use Twitter Search to follow certain trends (social media marketing) or people (competition perhaps?).
5. Track Blog Comments on Backtype
Backtype is a service that “lets you find, follow and share comments from across the web. Whener you fill out the “Website” or “URL” field in a comment form when you publish a comment on a blog of other website, BackType attributes it to you.”
It is a cool tool because you can track your comments over the expanse of the web. One of the best features of Backtype is the Connect feature. The Connect feature allows you to search for comments and conversations around a specific post or article. Check it out and test it… pretty cool stuff!
Now get out there and start tracking! It is important to be in the game and be involved in the game.
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- Monitoring and Measuring Social Media (ducttapemarketing.com)
- Down with Twitter Authority: Up with Influence (megoagain.com)
- How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day (hubspot.com)
- The Six Directions of Social Media (myventurepad.com)
Is Your Goal Growth? Empower your Employees with Social Media.
I mentioned in a previous post that I have been reading Seth Godin‘s book Free Prize Inside for a… I think… fourth time. In the beginning of the book is a quote that I have underlined another four times:
“If your goal is growth, marketing is all that matters–and everything you do is now part of marketing… Every product and every service can be made remarkable. And anyone in your organization can make it happen!” (pg.
This excerpt from the book hit me pretty hard when it comes to online marketing and using social media. The concept of EVERYTHING you possibly do in your company (both large and small) being connected to marketing is still an idea that is buried. I still have conversations with corporate employees or owners who are mistified that the PR side of a company doesn’t discuss anything with the marketing side or vice versa. Every service you create. Every phone call you take. Every PR release and marketing campaign you run. It is all connected to growing a brand… to growing your company. If you want your employees to talk about it. If you want every piece of your business to be a marketing vehicle… doesn’t social media make sense as a communication platform? Zappos has perfected the use of Twitter as an employee communication model.. Why can’t you? It is time to stop being afraid of the massive force of online communication. It is time to stop putting firewalls up because your afraid your employees are not being productive. They are not being productive for a reason… and it’s not Facebook. If they love what they do… maybe it is time to allow them to communicate that fact.. and if they don’t.. You probably have more problems than communication.
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- The New Social Engagement: A Visit to Zappos (mashable.com)
- Measuring Service (knowist.com)
- Social Media Marketing is about Emotion not Automation (kylelacy.com)
Next Time. Punch Fear in the Face.
What is it about fear that immobilizes an individual or an organization? The fear of failure… The fear of not understanding how to use a specific tool.. The fear of being left behind.
The problem with fear is that it paralyzes and damages the great things your company or organization can do in the future. At Brandswag we come across many individuals, companies and organizations that are simply afraid of jumping into the world of “the social web.”
It could be the fear of open conversation. It could be the fear of not knowing what to do. What is driving your company? What is the driving factor for not changing? What is keeping you from not adapting to the changing world of communication?
The simple fact…
You cannot let fear rule the way you run your business. The world is changing. People are controlling conversations, brands, and causes. Your brand is built by people. Why not use the tool most associated with communication?
You may not want to change for a variety of reasons… but you don’t really have the choice. Remember the term Evolve or Die. It applies here.
Here is what I want you to do… Next time you are sitting down and reviewing methods and procedures for the marketing of your product or service and that fear starts to rise in the back of your mind… you have two choices…
Ignore it or Embrace it.
Which one do you think is going to revolutionize your company or organization in the years to come?
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- Marketing to the Social Web (slideshare.net)
- Brands Will Learn By Doing. Get Over It. (myventurepad.com)
- BRAND PERSONALITY by Scott Bettinger (echomedia.wordpress.com)
- Diva Marketing Talks About Social Media Communities With Liz Strauss & Nancy Whie (marketing.blogtanker.com)
Social Media According to Zhang Yu
I am re-reading The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
Let me be clear. When I say I am re-reading it actually means I am reading it for the first time, a second time. It is amazing the kind of insight you take away from a book when you read it through different parts of life. It has been a couple of years since I picked up the book and a section about adapting caught my eye.
Zhang Yu : Adaptation means not clinging to fixed methods, but changing appropriately according to events as is suitable.
We are in a phase of adaptation in the world of marketing communications. With the advancement of the Internet (mainly the growth of commercial social media) a new phase of communication is quickly becoming a premiere way to connect with a demographic. But..
You have to adapt.
If you do not adapt to the changing business environment.. you will be lost in a world that is moving faster and faster with every moment. It is important to destroy the learning curve that is forcing multitudes of companies to rethink the way they communicate with their clients and potential clients.
Remember that adapting and changing is not an easy thing to do but it needs to be done. The key is to learn and soak in as much as you can when it comes to business communication. We are all in this changing environment and some are adapting faster than others.
The key is to adapt, strategize, and execute….
and repeat.
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- This Means War? (killerblog.com)
- When to NOT Use Social Media (readwriteweb.com)
- Is social media turning mainstream? (martinspalette.blogspot.com)
- Thoughts on the MA in Social Media (thewayoftheweb.net)
Jason Falls to Speak at Special Event in Indianapolis!
My company, Brandswag is proud to sponser social media genius Jason Falls at a special event coming in May. Here are the details:
Confluence is very excited to announce social media expert Jason Falls of SocialMediaExplorer.com will speak at the May 27 Confluence NorthNetwork event.
His topic will be “The Future of Social Media for Corporations.”
Jason is the director of social media for Doe-Anderson, a brand-building agency in Louisville. He is also the co-founder of the Social Media Club Louisville. Jason is a widely-respected speaker at conferences and special events throughout the country. He speaks about how social media can build corporate brands, and how corporations and organizations can use social media. His blog is one of the leading blogs on the subject of social media.
Registration begins at 2:30, and Jason will begin speaking at 3:00. The cost for the event is $20, and you can purchase tickets at the Confluence website. Members come free – and membership only costs $20/month for access to all 3 Confluence events. The event will be at the Blu Martini, at 96th & Gray Rd.
(Social media rock star Chris Brogan even says “Jason rules.“)
Limited Space: Secure Your Seat by Purchasing an Advance Ticket Today
Forget Social Media Measurement. Get Back to the Basics.
There has been a lot of talk about measurement and return-on-investment in the world of social media. Where and what do we measure? Is there any type of return on investment we can micro manage down to the point of dollars and cents?
Richard Stacy asked a brilliant question on his Social Computing Journal post called Social Media Measurement – Are We STaring At Stones? Are we measuring/looking at the wrong thing? Are we missing the point when we use Web 1.0 measurement tools and try to squeeze them into a Web 2.0 – 3.0 world? I think so. I would guess that Richard would agree.
Are we staring at the finish line without starting the race?
We are focused so intently on understanding the measurement model of social media that we fail to recognize the tool itself. We fail to realize that a complete understanding of social media (as a tool) has yet to be accomplished. We need to back up and refocus. As a company, we are just as guilty.
It is hard for me to swallow the concepts of using traditional and web 1.0 measurements tools (traffic, click-throughs) to social media tools like Twitter. What is the answer? Ad agencies are falling over themselves to gain as many viewers as possible to online videos. We can have 2 million views on a YouTube video but does that measure to actual growth in sales? It is hard to tell and becoming increasingly harder (Google aquisition of YouTube).
I don’t have the answer. Every interactive marketing firm on the planet is trying to measure this phenomenal new medium of communication… We all have case studies but there hasn’t been a proven formula for measurement.
Maybe we need to go back to the basics… refocus on completely understanding a new medium that is changing our entire communication formula.
Related articles by Zemanta
- When to NOT Use Social Media (readwriteweb.com)
- This is a viral blog (bbc.co.uk)
- Timothy Karr: The Future Begins Thru You (huffingtonpost.com)
- Earning back trust | Corporate blogging news digest (socialmediatoday.com)
61 Million Blogs about Professional Experience
I was forwarded an e-newsletter from Harvard Business Publish by my business party in Brandswag.. Brandon Coon. They have a section of the newsletter called Daily Stat. In the Daily Stat it stated that Technorati has indexed an upwards of 133 Million blogs and that 46% (61 Million) of those blogs are about industry and profession. Wow!
Let me preface this by saying that we are not quite sure how active the 61 million blogs are in content but this is still a staggering number. The Daily Stat also stated that 79% blog about personal interests. What does this mean to the business community?
People are talking about you. Services and products are a part of our daily lives. There is bound to be a writer in the mass of the 79% that writes about YOUR product or service. Are you listening?
The stat went onto say that only 12% of those Technorati blogs catered to corporate blogging. This shows huge market potential for coporate blogging in the following months. The trend is growing and individuals are starting to listen… both in the small business market and the corporate market.
61 Million blogs about professions. Did anyone say B2B Marketing potential? I think so.
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- Stake Your Claim? Technorati Opens Goldrush-Inspired Tag Directory (techcrunch.com)
- Is Twitter destroying the link economy? (sociallyminded.co.uk)
- The Social Media Starter Kit: Blogging (altitudebranding.com)
- 10 Tips For Building A Corporate Blog Brand (streamxy.com)
Social Media is Valuable but Broken. We Need to Work Together.
There is always debate.
There is always debate on the topics of social media… the black magic of the business world. Should we do it? What is the best way to do it?
Traditional marketing, advertising and PR firms do not know what to do. “Social Media” companies do not have enough traditional strategy to make something stick. We are all scraping to find something to make this powerful tool work. It is going to be a long process of customization, personalization, and strategy.
My company, Brandswag, started out as a small business design and marketing firm in Indianapolis. We have thus grown to a 5 person shop dealing with graphic design, web design, and social media/internet marketing. The transition happened pretty naturally because all of us were so involved in social media already… Why not try to leverage this amazing tool for business benefit? And it has worked… to an extent. The tool is broken. Social media should be used strictly with a traditional strategy. Hire a traditional marketing firm. Hire a Public Relations firm.
This is not the “save-me-from-the-economy” tool. It is a new thing. It is a new product that is being slowly pushed and pulled apart to make it work. I am far from an “expert” and there are only a few that can take that title (Chris Brogan and Douglas Karr). We all have little pieces of the pie to maximize a marketing strategy.
What are we to do? Work together.
Traditional marketing, PR, and advertising companies need to open up their minds to the tool and also the opposite way. Social media and internet marketing companies need the traditional strategy and marketing of the agency. Let’s work together to measure and get results.
We are all in this together. We have (at our fingertips) a tool that could transform the way we communicate.
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- 10 Small Biz Social Media Tips for Today (kylelacy.com)
- Traffic is Relative, I Have Enough (marketing.blogtanker.com)
- 33 Things Every PR Person Should Read (nextcommunications.blogspot.com)
25 Steps to Choosing a Social Media Consultant and Educator
I have been discovering many people starting to enter the world of social media marketing in Indianapolis. It can be anything from an advertising firm to a small business coach. It is probably pretty confusing for business owners trying to learn about the amazing new tools available on the web. I wanted to help you out with your first steps in choosing a social media educator or consultant.
1. They need to use the tools they are teaching.
It is extremely important that the teacher is using the tools. Before you decide to use a social media consultant… investigate! Make sure they are using tools like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIN, and Plaxo. If they do not use the tools on a regular basis, they are just riding a wave.
2. They communicate with their audience.
The last person you will want to hire is someone who throws content out on the bed and doesn’t allow for two way communication. The best way to test this? Go to their Twitter account and make sure they are actually sending “RT” and replies to people. 2-way communication is key.
3. Do they call themselves a Social Media Expert? Ask about the 10,000 hours rule.
The person that calls themselves a “social media expert” is the last person you want to hire. Read Paul Dunay’s post about 10,000 hours to become an expert.
4. Ask them their definition of social media.
If they give you a list of tools. Fail them.
5. They will run your Twitter account for you.
It is impossible to ghost a Twitter account. YOU either use it or you don’t. Ghostwriting for a blog is a different story and NOT for this post.
6. Their blog is less than six months old with no comments. (thanks Beth)
7. Ask them about social bookmarking. Do they know what it is? Do they use it?
8. Have they taught a class before on social media? Even a webinar?
It is important that your consultant or educator has experience in teaching or presenting on social media. The last thing you want to do is spend money for something that is going to be a DRAG. You want to know that you are not wasting your money.
9. Are they a Just-add-water expert?
10. They actually have a personality and GET people.
It is important that your social media consultant have a personality. What do I mean by personality? They are not stuck in an office all day pecking away at Twitter and have no sense of humor. ALSO, they are not overly bubbly and excited about everything under the sun. Sanity is key.
11. They blog more than once a week.
It is important that the investigation goes deeper into the blogging world. Your social media consultant should be learning on a daily basis and expounding upon what they are learning by blogging. This does not have to be catered specifically to a BLOG (wordpress or blogger). You can always check on Twitter on how they are communicating and learning.
12. They are linking and being linked.
Complete a Google link search and make sure your social media consultant actually has people and blogs linking back to their site. It is extremely important
13. Ask their opinion on viral marketing.
It is extremely important that your social media consultant and educator understand the concepts behind word-or-mouth marketing and viral marketing. Social media marketing is a relationship drive model. The evangelists and lovers of your product or service need to have the means to shout to the world… WE LOVE YOU!
14. Check out their website.
The first step to any Internet or social media strategy is the website. Do they have a communication drive website or is it a web 1.0 brochure driven site? Are they interacting with people? Are they talking about social media? Are they talking to YOU and not about their services.
15. What do other people think about them?
Mentors are one of the greatest asset to any small business owner. Who would they choose? Maybe they think social media is a waste of time. You need to take that into account. Maybe they were burned in the past? It is extremely important to get another perspective when entering into a relationship with any type of consultant or marketing professional.
16. They advise you to start a Facebook page as the first step.
It isn’t about starting in one spot. If you are new to the world of social media it may be smart to start USING Facebook other than trying to manage all 5 but the last thing you need to do is just start a Facebook fan page. SM strategy should be surrounding an integrated marketing approach. Period.
17. The instant success test
It takes time and knowledge to be successful at using social media as a small business strategy. If they promise instant results.. You should probably find another consultant.
18. What do they think about traditional marketing and advertising?
Ask them. If they come back to you and say that the traditional approach to marketing is dead. They are just riding a wave of no return. They will never understand the concepts of combining traditional and new media into an overall strategy.
19. Ask them about Radian6.
Radian6 is one of the better brand monitoring companies out there. If they have no idea about Radian6. FAIL.
20. What is their opinion of Quality over Quantity?
If your social media consultant starts talking about driving hundreds of followers to your social media account they don’t understand the concept of TWO WAY COMMUNICATION. Quality is so much better than quantity. Quality connections are the only way to succeed at using social media to expand your business.
21. They believe in actually listening to your problems instead of convincing you about the world of social media.
22. If they are still using an @aol.com, @aim.com, @comcast.net, or @att.net email. Fail them.
23. Listen for new approaches to strategy.
Everyone is offering to be a “social” consultant. Do they talk and think differently than anyone else you have listened to? If they do. You have a gem on your hands. Creative thinkers are the best social media consultants.
24. Are they a used car salesman? Do they seem genuine?
For the sake of argument I am going to list this. Do not work with someone you do not trust. Period.
25.Do they have any success stories?
Ask them about their history in using social media. The space is extremely new but there are people who are succeeding in using the tool. If they do not have case studies. Ask.
There are plenty more but this is just the beginning. Add to the list if you would like!

Interactive Marketers to Increase Online Spending by 50%
Have you ever been thinking about something only to read a blog post that is catered to the same idea? Just happened to me! I was reading a post by Chris Baggot about old media and his thoughts on the problem with the overall business model.
I (like Chris) love old media. There is something about getting a magazine in the mail and thumbing through the articles. Every once in awhile I also pay the money to buy a Wall Street Journal or an Indianapolis Star. Unfortunately times are changing and we are not just focusing on the journalistic side of old media.
Old advertising is slowly seeing a transition as customers start to shift more of their spending to online marketing. According to Forrester Research, interactive marketers are going to increase their online marketing spending by 50%. There are a couple of reasons to look at this stat from a social media and old media perspective.
Old media needs to shift their business model to cater more to the online medium. It is a fact of change. The evolve or die mantra still stands as old advertising starts to see a decrease in the effectiveness of their advertising model.
Chris and I both do not have answers for old media. I will still continue to buy my favorite magazines but my purchase does not prove that the advertising is working. As a business owner it is important to realize the effectiveness of both mediums.
How are you going to shift your spending to cater to the online marketing medium?
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- An Important Conversation About Conversations (chrisbrogan.com)