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31/03 2009

Targeting Location and Conversation on Twitter

Imagine if you could target conversations around a specific target location? Do you think that would be valuable to any small business or marketing firm using Twitter as a communications tool? Probably and Yes.

I stumbled across TwitterHawk this morning while finishing up some last minute preparations for a pitch and I would have to say… at first glance.. I am pretty impressed.

Developed by Duellsy , Twitterhawk allows you to search for keywords across the conversations happening on Twitter. Now… this is not revolutionary.. I know but the cool part is that you can target specific geographic locations around a keyword. If you want to know all the conversations about coffee happening between people in Indiana it is possible to track. Here is an example:

Let’s say you just opened a new coffee store in Queens and wanted to let people know about it. As part of your advertising efforts, you could setup TwitterHawk to search for things like “coffee near:Queens within:8mi” (of course you could simply search world wide if you are global).

We would then periodically (at a frequency determined by you) find twitter posts that mentioned coffee by users that are actually located within 8 miles of Queens such as
@cracksh0t Oh I could really go for a coffee right now’ or
@loxly Coffee… my one true love’

Talk about a great marketing tool to start a conversation! I am still debating on whether or not this is just another form of Auto-Dm… which I despise.. I haven’t really made my decision. It is a great way to start conversations and use Twitter as an actual marketing platform. It is only disingenuous if you don’t respond after the initial connection is made.

What do you think?

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  1. 31/03 2009

    Why pay for something when you can get it for free, don’t have to wait for them to ‘periodically find twitter posts’, and can get the RSS feed yourself?
