Creating A Strategic Communication Plan
Today’s guest about is by Manunya Nookong. I met Manunya through the social networking site, Smaller Indiana. I had an excellent conversation with her about strategic planning and I asked her to write a guest post.
When people hear the term “strategic planning,” they think of something rather complicated, intimidating or time-consuming, and it makes them lose interest. I am a big fan of strategic planning. I use it because it really works and is highly effective, I just want to see if there’s a way to make people think that it is not that hard to do. All it needs are strong attention to details and determination to improve business.
Of course, strategic planning takes time, but think of what a business can gain after it’s done: a new way to do things around the organization that helps employees to perform better. The result of their planning effort is invaluable. Employees will learn more about their business environment and what impact the business’ productivity.
A strategic plan brings business a clear direction and strong sense of purpose. Employees get to be creatively and effectively involved. They will learn what they need to do, how exactly they can contribute, and when their tasks need to be done. At the end of each strategic plan, employees will be able to see and evaluate the result of their effort.
Now, what is strategic planning? Strategic planning is a management process that includes direction and a series of steps that helps a business do things to achieve their goals.
A strategic planning model can be broken down into four different phases.
Research and Analysis
-Analyze business situation: Understand what goes on in the situation. Find out what the issue is.
-Analyze organization: Find out where the issue started, internally or externally, and who is responsible for it.
-Analyze key audiences: Key audiences are people who closely interact with the business’ issue. Find out who they are, define them in the plan and see what they want or expect according to the issue, what their relationship with the organization is, and what their communication involvement with media and society look like.
-Establish business goals and objectives and a position of the organization (or its products or services): Develop realistic, specific and measurable objectives that identify business’ expectations. For example, in company A, its use of corporate blogs increases the number of visitors 25% during the first two quarter of 2009. An objective can be to increase (change in behavior) Web visitors (audience) 15% (level of change) through the use of corporate blogs by the end of 2009 (timeline).
-Create action and response strategies: Create action plans and direction for the organization activity and key messages.
-Use effective communication: Find key points about the organization and communicate those through new key messages.
-Choose communication tactics: Consider all communication channels (face-to-face, internal media, advertising media, news media, etc.) and find the most appropriate channel to use with each key audience for the organization’s current issue
-Implement strategic plan: Develop time-line and budget to implement the strategic plan.
-Evaluate strategic plan: Assess whether business objectives have been met, and see if they need to be modified/revised, or can continue with the current plan and activities. Measure the effectiveness of each chosen tactic according to the business objectives.
These nine steps will help strategic planners and employees become more organized in their planning and execution. A strategic plan does not have to be complicated. Start with a simple one and get familiar with the idea. Before long, it will become second nature. Employees will start to think and work strategically and they will certainly see improvement in their organization.
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Why Kodak Thinks You Should Use Social Media
Kodak has been doing some interesting things in social media over the past couple of years. Leave it up to the photo giant to release a Kodak_SocialMediaTips_Aug14 describing their experience using the tools. There is some extremely valuable insight from the Chief Marketing Officer, Jeff Hayzlett. I thought I would lay out some of the key points he made in his introduction letter at the beginning of the report.
“Why do I take the time to use social media like Twitter and Facebook? Because in today’s media landscape, it’s vitally important to be where our customers are. Kodak has always embraced this marketing philosophy, and today that means being active in social media.”
This is a huge step for corporations to make when using social media as a tool for communication. It is encouraging to see a c-level executive using and relating to the tools within the social media world.
“Social media has enabled new ways to initiate conversations, respond to feedback and maintain an active dialogue with customers.”
“I strongly believe that if you get involved in social media, it will grow your brand, strengthen the connection between you and your customers and keep you grounded and aware of what people really think about your company. It’s well worth the time invested.”
Kodak is making pretty large strides into the world of online communication. The research report is pretty simple but powerful in the same way. For many social media users the information contained in this report may seem secondary knowledge… but for the majority of the CEOs, CMOs, and business owners in the world… it is a light shining through the darkness.
Well done Kodak… Well done.
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5 Ways to Track Your Competitors Using Social Media
My post on Tuesday talked about the growing trend of social media being used in order to gain more lead generation and marketing potential in businesses across the nation. You are going to need to be online. You are going to need to have a voice in this world of social communication.
Can we talk about another reason to be on social media? Are your competitors using it? This should be a deciding factor in whether or not you get involved. So where do you start? The first thing is to investigate.
1. Sign up for an account at Competitious.
Competitious is a cool tool that allows you to track, organize, and solidify data from your competition. Right now the beta is a free account… jump on over… sign up and try the tool. It also allows you to share and collaborate on different forms of data internally inside of your company.
2. Use the search tool SocialMention.
SocialMention is a keyword based search engine that aggregates different forms on content from across the web. You can search on microblogs, blogs, comments, events, and images (to name a few). Receive free daily email alerts of your brand, company, CEO, marketing campaign, or on a developing news story, a competitor, or the latest on a celebrity.
3. Google Alerts never hurt anyone.
Google Alerts is an awesome tool that allows you to sign up for… you guessed it… email alerts when a keyword is used in any type of content on the web. I have setup keyword alerts for Indianapolis social media, social media, Kyle Lacy, Brandswag, Twitter Marketing, and corporate social media. Check out this tutorial on how to use Google Alerts.
4. Do some investi-ma-gative journalism.
This should probably be step number one but it seems pretty simple… go to their website. If they are using social media in the right way they should be listing the tools in which they use. Follow them… feed them.. watch them. You could learn a ton from the way they share information.
5. Use HubSpot to track down the competition.
Hubspot has plenty of tools that allow you to track and influence different levels of your competitors use of social media. They give you the ability to track conversations online and hook up with different influencers in your industry. This is a paid service but it can extremely beneficial to the long term success of winning over the competition.
Get out there and listen to the net!
Are there any tools you have used? I would love to hear more!
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Balancing Perception and Reality in Social Media
Is social media everything we really make it out to be? Is there an imbalance between perception and reality when it comes to social media? I would venture to say yes. Before we get into the underlying argument of the two terms… let’s define them (from
Perception: a single unified awareness derived from sensory processes while a stimulus is present.
Reality: something that exists independently of ideas concerning it.
There is probably a universal argument of perception versus reality in terms of marketing. We are going to touch on that briefly. The majority of marketing communication exists in order to balance the worlds of perception and reality among consumers… among your clients. When it comes to social media there is an imbalance of the two worlds. There seems to be more perceived value of the tool than the the actual reality (at this given moment).
We can talk about the growth of networks and the stats surrounding the baby boomer adoption of Facebook. We can talk about the growth of Twitter and the role it plays in international foreign policy. However, the fact remains that only 22% of the globe (350 million) has adopted social media as an avenue for communication.
We are still in the infancy of this communication medium. That is the reality.
However, I am not discounting the value of perception. If a tool is perceived to have high value… it is my belief… that mass adoption is going to come much, much quicker than previously anticipated. What happens when perception turns into reality and your company is left behind because you didn’t change… you didn’t adapt?
There will always be the balance of perception and reality in any form of communications advancement. Did anyone really perceive the true value of television before mass adoption? What about radio? Newspaper? We tend to only leverage a communications medium after mass adoption.
It only makes true business sense to stay ahead of the curve. It is your job as business owners, marketing directors, and C-level employees to watch for the perception turning over to reality.
What do you think? Do we actually have an imbalance?
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When To Fire Your PR Firm Part 2
I was just finishing up this post when a status update came to my attention on my Facebook wall. The much acclaimed marketing technology blogger, Douglas Karr, had just written a post entitled Brody PR: When to Fire Your PR Firm. It was absolutely hilarious and expected that we were thinking in the same world.. because well… Doug is one of my social media mentors. This is officially the first not-planned tag team post by myself and Doug Karr.. enjoy.
Doug’s post talks about the misuse of an email campaign by Brody PR in order to sell a social media book that was written by a client. Doug gives a good argument on why the PR firm should be fired because of spamming individuals about a book that frankly… no one cared about. This all comes down to communication and strategy which Brody apparently didn’t do very well. Now, let’s see if they are doing their own brand reputation management. I am looking for a comment from the firm.
The same concept applies to your PR firm discussing the concept of a social media strategy. It is pretty simple. If your public relations company is NOT talking to you about social media you should fire them. Better yet… check to see if they are talking about it at all. A social media onslaught may not necessarily apply to your communications strategy but wouldn’t you prefer the PR firm in which you hired to be up to date on communication tools?
If your public relations firm is not writing, speaking, and educating their clients on how to use social media for brand management or communication… fire them on the spot. Find someone who actually cares about the changes in communication and technology.
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Video: My Thoughts on Social Media Productivity
This video was made about a year ago when Brandswag was still working out of my apartment in Fishers, Indiana. Please ignore the dresser. I wanted to repost it because of the content relating to the productivity of social media.
Social Media is Not a Fad. Get Over It.
There is a new video on YouTube that takes many of the stats from the Did You Know 3.0 video and adds some new stats. There are some surprising statistics that keep the argument of the new social revolution burning red hot. We are experiencing a shift in communication whether you like it or not. With the video I created the list below of important stats that further support the notion of using social media for business communication:
1. Generation Y will outnumber Baby Boomers by 2010.
2. 96% of Gen Y use social media
3. If Facebook were a country it would be the 4th largest in the world.
4. 80% of companies are using LinkedIN to search for job applicants
5. Boston college quit distributing email addresses to students in 2009
6. There are over 100,000,000 videos on YouTube
7. There are 200,000,000 blogs in existence today
8. Over 100,000,000 blogs post content daily
9. 25% of search results for the top 20 largest brands are user-generated content
10. 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations
We are on the edge of a communication transition. 14% of consumers trust advertising… only 14%. Are you ignoring the changing landscape and risking the reputation of your company and brand? Is your PR company talking to you about social media? It is important to remember that new technology will always change the way business operates… and the new technology is here.
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Balancing Client and Social Interactions in Social Media
I was recently asked by Duncan Alney from Firebelly Digital on a recent Hoosier PRSA blog post to detail how I balance client interaction with social interaction in the social media realm. Here is the question:
“BTW Kyle – perhaps you should share with those that don’t know – how you balance client and your own social media interactions. I know how you do it (now) but clearly – there are others that are dying to know
With such a great question posed how could I not answer it? Duncan is a great guy and an awesome social media advocate. I would encourage you to check out the blog over at Firebelly.
I am going to take a stab at this question and form my own opinion on what Duncan meant by client and social media interactions. The idea of being able to balance personal social experience with client lead generation is a valuable commodity when using social media. It is extremely hard in the long run to balance both without taking to much time in both categories. I would venture to say that you shouldn’t try and balance the two… they should be intertwined.
Time is a huge commodity when using social media. How do you take the time to truly use social media without wasting the day away… because we all know… time is money. When the importance of productivity is realized
The social world is beginning to change the way consumers look at brands. Are they viewing the brand as a logo or as an experience? In my humble opinion… the user is viewing the brand as a person… as an experience… as an extension to their daily lives.
I use social media to show my personal side… to show that life is revolving around more than just a balance sheet, an income statement, and an accounts receivable report. Social media is about giving a perspective into the daily lives of the individuals that make up a company. People buy from people and the importance of showing more than just a product is being lost by many individuals using the communication systems provided on the Internet.
When writing a blog, using Facebook, or connecting on LinkedIN… you should be making it a point to deliver a half/half balance of life as well as business. Your potential clients want to know about your knowledge in your given industry but they also want to know about your daily routine… what makes you tick.
I try to balance the two by using Facebook as my social interaction tool and my blog as my business side of my life. How do you balance the two? Do you even try to balance the two?
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What the CRAP is Social Media?
I can’t believe it has been a year since Marta Kagan shared the “What the F**K is Social media?” slides on the now famous website: SlideShare. I know that many of you may be offended by the offensive language that is used in this slideshow and the only reason I am sharing this is because they (bleep) out the word.
If you are wanting to understand the concepts of social media (which are now a bit data) slide on through this slideshare. Better yet, if you are wanting to understand the concept of a viral phenomenon… you are going to need to slide through this slideshare. This presentation has been shared hundreds of thousands of times (if not millions). Out of respect to viral marketing and Marta… I wanted to reshare this presentation.
If anyone is completely and utterly offended by the use of this slideshare… I apologize now.
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What The Top 10 Banks on Twitter Have in Common
ComputerWeekly released a detailed list of the top 10 banks on Twitter and what made them valuable to the end consumer. I made it a point to go through each of the bank’s Twitter pages and figure out (at least) one thing they had in common. This one thing is based around the overall usage of the Twitter tool and how the banks communicate with current and potential clients. What was the overall theme for most of the Twitter bank pages?
Customer support and communication. To be more specific: customer centric.
The majority of the top 10 banks on Twitter use the tool to support customers with Q&A, idea generation, and live feedback on account information. From my viewpoint… the top banks are actually using Twitter in the right way when it comes to communication. Customer support and service is a huge pull when viewing Twitter as a business tool (whether you are a bank… or not). What other points did I take away from the bank pages?
1. Communication is Key. Do not broadcast a message. If you are wanting to use Twitter for another RSS feed to share PR releases and company news, you have the wrong idea.
2. Listen to Customers and then Respond. It is important to take personal time and invest it in the use of the tool. If you are communicating with your clients it is important to reply back to their inquiries. The same concept applies to a missed phone call or email. Put major emphasis on replying back to questions and comments. Do not let any tweet go unanswered.
3. Every Follower is Important on Twitter. Let me rephrase that… Every follower is important on Twitter if they are REAL and actually MATTER. A Twitter user being real or fake is pretty easy to measure over the long run. We do not want to be communicating with spam accounts. You can tell is a user matters if they are actually sharing content and communicating a universal message to their followers. If they have something to be excited about (new content)… help them by sharing that content.
Take the top 10 banks examples and use Twitter effectively.. both for customer support and communication. Remember that social media is a two-way strategy… listen, speak, and then repeat.
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