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17/04 2009

Telling THE Story of Your Business


I am sitting in the AFP Fundraising 2.o conference and we have been listening to the likes of Mitch Maxson from MediaSauce, Hazel Walker from BNI, and Erik Deckers from ProBlog Service. Erik Deckers is currently talking about the value of social media and how to use some of the tools and I have realized a common theme from all the speakers at the conference. I will be getting up there in the next 30 mins and the same theme applies to my presentation.

Why is it so hard for us to tell the story of our company or NFP? Marketing is telling a story plain and simple. Human interaction has been built off the idea of story telling since the inception of forward thought. Why is it so hard for marketers and owners to tell the story of what built and builds their company or organization?

The global communication world (mainly social media) is built off the theory of telling a story. If you have read the book Made to Stick by the Heath Brothers you will understand where  I am coming from…

You have a premiere way to reach people that will (in the words of Mr. Maxson) bleed for your service or cause. You have the evagelists out there waiting to take the flag and charge forward…

What are you waiting for? Tell your story… Tell why you love what you do… Tell why people love you…

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  1. 17/04 2009

    Hey Kyle,

    Great presentation on social media the Truth at Work event for Not for Profit fundraising. Check out our website at and see what God has done on the Internet to feed families and children. A good friend of mine that gets an absurd amount of hits on his website monthly, (500,000) was recently quoted, "the Internet is way ahead of the church". He didn't mean it to be critical, rather factual when it comes to getting things done. I'm glad I listened to him.

  2. 17/04 2009

    It is painfully true that the Internet is ahead of the church. To be completely honest with you, the Internet is ahead of many companies.