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29/06 2009

Are You Vomiting Ideas Through Social Media?

I know. I know. This is probably not the best title to read early in the morning. For that matter, it is probably not the best post title to read any time of the day.

When writing your blog, participating in social media, or just communicating (period) it is important to remember that your readers and participants are consuming your data. There is plenty of regurgitation happening on the Internet… an idea is started on one end of the world and re-written hundreds of times. Where does the original content come from? Is there really such a thing as original content? Yes, there is and it happens from the personal realm.

Many would argue that there is no such thing as a new idea. We all write and read marketing, accounting, financing, and business content that has been hacked a part and repurposed countless times… so where does original content come from? Your personal experience.

Remember to write about what you learn on a daily basis in your business. How do YOU help your clients and customers? How did “Mary” feel about your product? How did an individual experience your thought leadership? How are you building trust?

We are all trying to produce content that people will read and share. The most original content you can create is through your personal experience. Write about what you learn, know, and experience and we will love you for it.

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  1. 29/06 2009

    Kyle –

    Couldn't agree more that your own stories are the best for blog content, great post. Although, it's important to note that commenting on others ideas and industry news with your unique perspective is absolutely a great strategy. However, in regards to social networks (Twitter, etc.) a lot of this is indeed about pointing to someone else's idea or an interesting site or article; so might not apply as much in those mediums.

  2. 29/06 2009

    By personalizing and putting my own voice behind my writing I'm trying not to regurgitate ideas. Do I occasionally? I'm sure, however like NBC in the summer "It's new to me".

  3. 29/06 2009

    I think vomiting is OK depending where you are at and how much vomiting you do. For instance, I think it's perfectly acceptable to post a link to this blog post on Twitter with your headline or a line that explains why I liked the post. But I wouldn't post this on my blog or Facebook page because I think of those as more original content or original commentary about an event, an object, a government…

  4. 29/06 2009

    I can agree with that Aaron. I don't find that type of use as vomiting. Vomiting would be constantly pushing a message out to people that don't care. It is about not creating relationships with people.

  5. Sam
    29/06 2009

    Great point, Kyle. It's very easy for social media to become overwhelming, and along the same lines, we need to turn off autopilot and make sure the content we're sharing is providing value.

  6. Teresa
    29/06 2009

    Regurtated and worth vomiting again and again…..scarcity = value. I think with this intention in our hearts and minds when providing a service to anyone through our words, it allows one to come from a place of truth and trust, ensuring that 'giving' is a given.