25 Steps to Choosing a Social Media Consultant and Educator
I have been discovering many people starting to enter the world of social media marketing in Indianapolis. It can be anything from an advertising firm to a small business coach. It is probably pretty confusing for business owners trying to learn about the amazing new tools available on the web. I wanted to help you out with your first steps in choosing a social media educator or consultant.
1. They need to use the tools they are teaching.
It is extremely important that the teacher is using the tools. Before you decide to use a social media consultant… investigate! Make sure they are using tools like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIN, and Plaxo. If they do not use the tools on a regular basis, they are just riding a wave.
2. They communicate with their audience.
The last person you will want to hire is someone who throws content out on the bed and doesn’t allow for two way communication. The best way to test this? Go to their Twitter account and make sure they are actually sending “RT” and replies to people. 2-way communication is key.
3. Do they call themselves a Social Media Expert? Ask about the 10,000 hours rule.
The person that calls themselves a “social media expert” is the last person you want to hire. Read Paul Dunay’s post about 10,000 hours to become an expert.
4. Ask them their definition of social media.
If they give you a list of tools. Fail them.
5. They will run your Twitter account for you.
It is impossible to ghost a Twitter account. YOU either use it or you don’t. Ghostwriting for a blog is a different story and NOT for this post.
6. Their blog is less than six months old with no comments. (thanks Beth)
7. Ask them about social bookmarking. Do they know what it is? Do they use it?
8. Have they taught a class before on social media? Even a webinar?
It is important that your consultant or educator has experience in teaching or presenting on social media. The last thing you want to do is spend money for something that is going to be a DRAG. You want to know that you are not wasting your money.
9. Are they a Just-add-water expert?
10. They actually have a personality and GET people.
It is important that your social media consultant have a personality. What do I mean by personality? They are not stuck in an office all day pecking away at Twitter and have no sense of humor. ALSO, they are not overly bubbly and excited about everything under the sun. Sanity is key.
11. They blog more than once a week.
It is important that the investigation goes deeper into the blogging world. Your social media consultant should be learning on a daily basis and expounding upon what they are learning by blogging. This does not have to be catered specifically to a BLOG (wordpress or blogger). You can always check on Twitter on how they are communicating and learning.
12. They are linking and being linked.
Complete a Google link search and make sure your social media consultant actually has people and blogs linking back to their site. It is extremely important
13. Ask their opinion on viral marketing.
It is extremely important that your social media consultant and educator understand the concepts behind word-or-mouth marketing and viral marketing. Social media marketing is a relationship drive model. The evangelists and lovers of your product or service need to have the means to shout to the world… WE LOVE YOU!
14. Check out their website.
The first step to any Internet or social media strategy is the website. Do they have a communication drive website or is it a web 1.0 brochure driven site? Are they interacting with people? Are they talking about social media? Are they talking to YOU and not about their services.
15. What do other people think about them?
Mentors are one of the greatest asset to any small business owner. Who would they choose? Maybe they think social media is a waste of time. You need to take that into account. Maybe they were burned in the past? It is extremely important to get another perspective when entering into a relationship with any type of consultant or marketing professional.
16. They advise you to start a Facebook page as the first step.
It isn’t about starting in one spot. If you are new to the world of social media it may be smart to start USING Facebook other than trying to manage all 5 but the last thing you need to do is just start a Facebook fan page. SM strategy should be surrounding an integrated marketing approach. Period.
17. The instant success test
It takes time and knowledge to be successful at using social media as a small business strategy. If they promise instant results.. You should probably find another consultant.
18. What do they think about traditional marketing and advertising?
Ask them. If they come back to you and say that the traditional approach to marketing is dead. They are just riding a wave of no return. They will never understand the concepts of combining traditional and new media into an overall strategy.
19. Ask them about Radian6.
Radian6 is one of the better brand monitoring companies out there. If they have no idea about Radian6. FAIL.
20. What is their opinion of Quality over Quantity?
If your social media consultant starts talking about driving hundreds of followers to your social media account they don’t understand the concept of TWO WAY COMMUNICATION. Quality is so much better than quantity. Quality connections are the only way to succeed at using social media to expand your business.
21. They believe in actually listening to your problems instead of convincing you about the world of social media.
22. If they are still using an @aol.com, @aim.com, @comcast.net, or @att.net email. Fail them.
23. Listen for new approaches to strategy.
Everyone is offering to be a “social” consultant. Do they talk and think differently than anyone else you have listened to? If they do. You have a gem on your hands. Creative thinkers are the best social media consultants.
24. Are they a used car salesman? Do they seem genuine?
For the sake of argument I am going to list this. Do not work with someone you do not trust. Period.
25.Do they have any success stories?
Ask them about their history in using social media. The space is extremely new but there are people who are succeeding in using the tool. If they do not have case studies. Ask.
There are plenty more but this is just the beginning. Add to the list if you would like!
25 Small Business Twitter Tips
We have been getting quite a few questions over at Brandswag about Twitter. The questions range from personal use to business use. I thought I would put together a list of 25 Tips for small business owners to use when starting out on Twitter.
Use them. Learn them. Love them.
1. Use your personal picture in your Twitter profile. There is only one situation where you can use your logo… if you have two profiles. Your personal profile and your company profile.
2. Don’t setup an Auto-DM to send when users follow you. Why you ask?
Here are two posts talking about why you should not:
Tweeter Blog: How to STOP These Freakin Auto DMs
Social Media Club: To Auto DM or Not to Auto-Dm
3. Use Twitter Search to find subject matters that interest you. This can cater to your business interests, as well as your personal interests. This will help you find people that share
4. Personal life reigns… but not too much. Add in some of your personal life while you are using Twitter. What is important to remember is that you are using Twitter for your business generation as well. The people following you want to know that you are REAL… but not to the point where they are hearing about what you are eating or where you are driving.
5. Use it. It is important to use Twitter as much as you can but not to the point where you are wasting valuable time when at work. Tweet about what you are reading online.. Maybe a new insight you found while reading the night before. Try to use Twitter a couple of times a day.
6. Reply. Reply. Reply. Whenever you get a response (@yourname) make sure that you respond to the reply. This is extremely important because your most valuable followers are the people that respond and communicate with you.
7. (via John Janstch) Use strawpoll to create a survey to feed into your Twitter stream. This will be an awesome way to get information regarding service offerings and products.
8. Follow some awesome business Twitter people (@problogger, @chrisbrogan, @gacconsultants, @business901, @roundpeg, @Ribeezie)
9. Use a business Twitter account (example: @brandswag) to create a great place for customer relationship management. Teach your clients to use Twitter to keep with the happenings of your company. Also, it can help you share the news and information regarding the success of your clients.
10. Use Twitter as a discussion forum. Ask your clients and prospective clients what they would like to see, hear, taste, and experience.
11. Help. (via Twitip) Always help before asking for money. Twitter is not a place for you to hard sell individuals on services. We are here for discussions and not sales.
12. I started out with a personal profile that allowed me to create relationships before starting my company profile. (also via Twitip) I was able to cleaning transition between two accounts because people trusted me. If you start two accounts at the same time you will be overwhelmed and underwhelm your followers.
13. Use TweetLater for productivity. I don’t recommend using this tool much. You need to be involved in the conversation as you start sending tweets. If you are not there to interact with your followers there really is not a point for using the tool. Though.. it does help for those random tweets to stay connected.
14. Take pictures and share on TWitter. Add pictures on Twitter using Twitpic using your iPhone or mobile phone.
15. Use Google Analytics to measure the traffic directed from Twitter to your blog or website. If you can measure the traffic related to sales or aquisitions it help you understand an ROI from the tool.
16. Encourage your employees to join Twitter and become part of the conversation.
17. Twitter connets thought leaders. Talk about a great brain trust!
18. Fill out your profile. Make sure you put information regarding your personal life as well as your business life. This is important because.. everyone reads it.
19. We add our Twitter URLs to our business cards. I also like to add my LinkedIN account and blog URL. This will encourage more of your networking friends to follow you and communicate more effectively.
20. Follow @Zappos. A perfect example of corporate blogging.
21. Download TweetDeck. Tweetdeck is a powerful tool to help you be productive while using Twitter.
22. Are you using a Blackberry or iPhone? You should definitly be looking at downloading an application to help you manage your twitter account while you are out of the office.
23. Thank you. When someone shares your post or tweet make sure you send a DM or Tweet thanking them for their support. Just as you should be emailing people to thank them for comments… same goes with Twitter.
24. Don’t AUTO-DM. Please… it is completely and utterly worthless. Show some personality and human quality when using Twitter. The worst thing to do is Auto-DM. There is a reason I put this twice in the list.
25. Don’t add hundreds of people when you first join Twitter. Let the entire conversation happen naturally.
If you have anymore tips. Please add them below! Get on it!
Grow Your Biz Using Social Media Class
For those of you in the Indianapolis area.
I have completed some Rain University Classes the past couple of months and I have another class coming up on the 19th of March.
This class is not for beginners. We will not be covering basics. It will help if you have been through at least one of the introductory classes or are already blogging and engaged in several social media sites.
Social networking is a great way to promote your business and build your brand. With that said, how do you use it productively? How do you spend 30-60 mins a day and get the most out of social media?
What you will learn:
We will also be offering this class with a live online video stream. To find out more information follow the link to the Information Page.
Social Media and the Recession
When is the next phase of the Internet going to present itself? We hear talks about Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 but when are we going to see social media adapt into it’s third phase? It could be after the recession.
I was reading a post by Chris Charabaruk about social media surviving the recession and he makes a comment about social media adapting towards the end of 2009:
“I think that social media will survive the recession. The idea itself is so insidious, so viral that it’ll never be stamped out. But how the world of social media will appear at the end of the recession will certainly be much, much different than it looked like going in.”
I always liked to dream that the next phase of the Internet or social media would be through innovation and a new form of communication. When will the next phase come? When does innovation and quick development happen? In what Keith McFarland calls Hard Times University in his book Breakthrough Company.
When we are faced with hard times and adversity… the survivors shine through. I think we will see the advent of a new form of social media because of the economic crunch. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace will have to learn how to monetize or die and because of that market stress they will evolve or die.
I am excited to see the transition. In like every market there are deaths, changes, and rebirths.
Unless you are Ford and GM… then you get a bailout.
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- Exploring Social Media: Do You Know How to Use the Social Web? (blogherald.com)
Myspace Dominates in Business
I have met my fair share of Myspace haters the past few years. Admittingly I have become a hater. I really do despise the overall design and the “trashy” brand name Myspace has developed… I do. Now, just because I hate using the tool doesn’t mean I don’t respect their business prowess.
Mashable recently had a post talking about the new Citiforward Myspace Credit Card, which is a great business tool for Myspace to increase their $600M revenue posting from 2008. Whether or not you agree with the concept of credit cards or offering a social-networking card is not the reason for this post. The simple fact is that Myspace is owning the rest of social networking sites in terms of revenue.
The question still stands: Will Myspace be able to hang on to the business model they have created? Will Facebook actually figure out how to monetize 130M users? Will Twitter ever make money (Good luck)?
I can give the people over at Myspace my respect…because in terms of business…they own the market.
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- Follow Mashable on Facebook (mashable.com)
- New Facebook Pages: A Guide for Social Media Marketers (mashable.com)
Being a Results Driven Blog and Company
As some of you may know… actually the majority of you should know… I own a company called Brandswag in Indianapolis and Oklahoma City. Our company helps small and mid-size businesses with blogging, social media marketing, graphic design, and simple web design. Overall we are a viral-marketing consulting company.
The biggest problem we have had over the last six-months is taking social media marketing from a “smoke and mirrors” marketing tool to an actual results driven solution for clients. We have finally started to see results from our consulting engagements and we need to make it a point to share those results.
My blog is for theory, conversation, and ideas (as well as some rants) but I wanted to start giving a taste of what Brandswag is doing in the community. Enter: the Brandswag Business blog. We launched the blog a couple of weeks ago and have been adding thoughts and ideas to it ever since.
I wanted all my readers, as well as the community, to know that we are going to start posting case studies and marketing plan developments to the blog. This will be an in-depth look into our process as well as the success factors of clients.
From logo design to website design to social media… make sure you check it out and remember to Subscribe.
Use Your Highlight Reel to Build Your Story
I should just start a blog called, “Seth Godin Strikes Again!” because he is constantly reminding me of GREAT concepts in marketing. He has a post called, Which parts are you skipping? The concept of the post is to remind marketers that it is important to build a foundation to your story, make the good parts of the story easy to find and the beauty of the entire process… not just a piece.
This is an important concept, especially for the small business owner who is looking to establish a strategy in social media marketing. It is extremely important to build out a strategy (a foundation) before you begin using the hundreds of tools at your fingertips in the world of social media.
Every tool you use, whether it is Facebook, Vimeo, or your personal blog, is a highlight of the overall picture: You and Your Business. Social media marketing is a small piece of the overall puzzle but it does help you develop small highlight reels that build brand development.
Remember to focus on the overall strategy and use your highlight reel to pull people into the story.
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- How to Sell Anything to Anyone (ducttapemarketing.com)
- The TRULY CARE Factor: It’s What You KNOW Not What You Think! (kylelacy.com)
All Shapes and Sizes
Guest post by Social Media Consultant Colin Clark
I spend the majority of my day every day thinking up creative ways for businesses to use social media tools to improve their bottom line. The one thing that I’ve found is that if I put together social media action plans for 10 different companies, all 10 would be very different, even if they were in similar industries.
The reason for this is that it’s extremely important to look at all aspects of your business before delving into social media, because once you do you’re baring your soul to anyone who you interact with online. Since every business is composed of different types people, every strategy must be optimized to ensure those people will be successful in communicating with people online
So many consultants are saying ‘You must blog’ or ‘You must have a presence on Facebook‘. It may or may not be the case. The only ‘must’ is that you ‘must’ use good judgment and good marketing fundamentals to put together a strategy that’s going to be successful.
Customer Service is Expected and Secondary
I had a conversation today with a company that we are pitching for marketing and design of their services. We were talking about leading a marketing strategy with the concept of great customer service.
Needless to say. I had a conflict.
Everyone expects great customer service. Customer service is a given in an economy where the Internet has revolutionized the communication model. We KNOW when someone has terrible customer service. You cannot afford to have bad customer service. Period. The concept of running a marketing campaign with WE HAVE GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE… is a mistake and it is boring.
People want to know how you are initially alleviating their pain. The simple fact that you “hire great customer service reps” or are “number one in customer service” does not sell someone on using your service.
We EXPECT great customer service.
My opinion? Great customer service is a secondary experience. It is a secondary buying factor (maybe even a third). It should be more of a business process… ingrained into your company.
Always remember..
When selling your service think about what pain you are alleviating… what pain are you solving? Not.. what does the customer want to know about ME.
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Newspapers and Music: The Market Doesn’t Care About You
Scott Karp over at Publishing2 has a great post entitled: The Market and the Internet Don’t Care If You Make Money. It opened my eyes to how some industrys feel the need to hold out there hands and demand for new media to give them money: Music, News, and Books.
Scott cites Seth Godin by saying:
You have no right to make money from every development in media, and the humility that comes from approaching the market that way matters. It’s not “how can the market make me money” it’s “how can I do things for this market.”
I am going to type this again because we deserve to remember this: “It’s not how can the market make me money it’s how can I do things for this market.” Traditional entertainment media has persued new media with swords drawn ready for battle.
“This isn’t how we did it in the past. I am going to sue as many people as possible until they stop downloading our music” I’m sorry to break it to you big suit record label exec, the world is changing. The market is shifting to where music is not worth what it was in the past. You can no longer sell 10-20 million albums and fuel an empire.
The newspaper and music industry need to stop focusing on how to reap the same profit margins that they did in the 1980′s and start thinking about the new world. The world of lightning fast communication. The world where I can listen to a song and then download it. While getting a news story from a FRIEND in Seattle.
Scott says it best:
The problem with the newspaper industry, as with the music industry before it, is the sense of ENTITLEMENT. What we do is valuable. Therefore we have the right to make money.
Nobody has the right to a business model.
Ask not what the market can do for you, but what you can do for the market.
And let the market happen.
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